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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Sabr Series--Part 1

Bismillahir Rahman nir Rahim
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Forgiving.
The Sabr Series-I
,As we start on a road trip, we are faced with road blocks and speed breakers and scary jungles. And we have no choice except to clear these blocks, reduce our speed, and seek Allah Swt’s help for a safe passage through the unfriendly jungle..
If we cry and shout at each tire burst, each wrong turn, then we will be too drained out to reach on time and such emotions take half the fun out of driving as we miss the beautiful landscape painted for us by Allah swt.
Hence we need to prepare ourselves mentally and physically with all sorts of things like water, extra food, fuel, tires, for such situations.
This is exactly how the “road trip” of our lives is. We start our journey and our destination is paradise.
Allah swt warns us in the beginning of the journey that if we get stuck then we should “seek help through patience..”(2:45)
As Allah swt says “Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere”
 “Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return."” 2 : 156
“Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided.”2 :157
In Surah Hud (11:11), Allah (S.W.T.) again promises to reward those who are patient in adversity:
Not so do those who show patience and constancy, and work righteousness; for them is forgiveness (of sins) and a great reward.
 What better reward than Allah’s mercy, guidance  and forgiveness?
The word Sabr in Arabic means to “control one self” when one is faced by something a person dislikes.
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, “Strange is the affair of the Mu’min (the believer), verily all his affairs are good for him. If something pleasing befalls him he thanks (Allah) and it becomes better for him. And if something harmful befalls him he is patient (Saabir) and it becomes better for him. And this is only for the Mu’mmin.

These rewards are proofs of Allah swt’s pleasure and inshallah will take us to jannah on the day of judgement.
So on this note. Lets begin the The Sabr Series, with the intention to please Allah swt and better our selves and the quality of our lives while we are in this Dunya.

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