Bismillahir Rahman nir Rahim
In the Name of Allah the most Beneficient
and Forgiving
Sabr IV
How has it been so far? Did you enjoy the journey till now? iA you did :)
Lets move on to the last 2 categories of Sabr:
ii)In the way of Obedience of Allah swt.:
we have to do what Allah swt wants us to do, namely pray 5 times a day,give zakat, speak kindly to people, Not Lie, Stop gheebat , read the Quran regularly.
A very interesting point that I would like to mention here is that , to do all the above and more we need Sabr.
The “will” to do the acts of obedience make us physically do the acts. But if we really want to do them in the best possible manner and hence gain the maximum reward, we need to have Sabr.
Now I see you asking me ”why sana”? well, the answer is, that as we start trying to increase our obedience to Allah swt, the shaitan gets after us with more intensity. To repell the accursed shaitan, we need to be patient to be “consistent in refusing the various treats the shaitan offers us if we don’t obey Allah swt.”.
For example: Zara has set her goals for “Acts Of Obedience”. They are as follows:
1. Goals for Salah:
atleast 1 rakat with concentration.
2. Pray Salah at awaal waqt
3. Proper wu’du
4. Say bismillah before wu’du
5. Read the shahada after wu’du
6. Pray before one is too tired( specially isha)
7. Learn and recite the duas in Ruku, sujood (all these points are taken from how to increase khushoo in salah)
8. Learn the last two ayats of Surah baqarah
9. Recite Surah mulk every night
10. Start reading Surah Kahf from thrusday after magrib.
You will need to personalize them according to what you need to do.
May Allah swt make it easy for you.. amen
iii) In the Acts of Disobedience to Allah swt:
1. Learn anger management techniques
2. Stop lying
3. Stop gheebat
4. Stop complaining
5. Stop overspending
6. Increase Fear of Allah swt
7. Imagine the Day of Judgment and think of how would you like to be on that day as you feel the urge to gossip about a friend’s dress :)
8. Imagine the horrors of the grave every time you feel lazy for getting up for fajr.
As I said before, you will need to personalize them as per your needs.
Abu Yahya Suhayb ibn Sinan said, “The Messenger of Allah, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, ‘What an extraordinary thing the business of the believer is! All of it is good for him. And that only applies
to the believer. If good fortune is his lot, he is grateful and it is good for
him. If something harmful happens to him, he is steadfast and that is good for him too.’” [Muslim]
It is very interesting to note that the prophet s.a.w NEVER disobeyed Allah swt.. and he never got angry or showed impatience.
So , lets focus on our acts of Obedience and Disobedience to Allah swt.
May Allah swt make it easy for us.. amen
Inshallah see you next time!!